Wednesday, September 25, 2013


The challenge in setting up a supermarket is getting enough items to fill it up. Commercially made or plastic toy food items were too costly to purchase so I decided to add on my own creations, hopefully they resemble enough to the real thing. Most of the items like the broccoli, watermelon, cabbage and eggplant, chicken and fish were all made using paper mache.
 Full view of the whole supermarket. I had other teachers 'shopping'
in my supermarket as they were also teaching about food
found in the market or supermarket.
 I made this rack using the wire mesh and cable tie.
The yellow boxes including the wire mesh were all from Diaso - $2 shop.
|I liked the idea of using chalk to write on black paper as it gives the aesthetic look.

For the shelf products, I got children to design soup cans
as seen on the 2nd shelf on the right.
The rest were all used containers and boxes.
 The giant strawberries and apples on the left were done by the Nursery children.

 A mixture of teacher-made items and commercial ones.
Can you tell the ones that I've made?
 The bakery section, where you can find cakes and bread.
On the right side is the cold storage where you can find ice cream,
chicken meat and cold drinks.

 Children's artwork using chalk on black paper and mounted on old carton boxes as backing.


Japanese Restaurant

The theme was on 'Restaurant' so I decided to do a Japanese Restaurant this time.
The objective was to create activities within the dramatic corner with mathematical concepts.
I created a menu with various prices on it so that children learn the value of money. I also had recipe cards for children to follow in order to make the dishes. I used angel clay to make the ingredients as it was cheap and easy to use. However the disadvantage was that it disintegrates when it touches water. I had to use lacquer or varnish to protect them.
Restaurant Menu

Recipe card

The Sakura Special set

Ebi Ramen

Sushi anyone?
For the rice, I cut out a rectangular shape from a piece of hard foam.
I used masking tape to cover it and painted it white.
Then I used tiny foam balls cut into 4 and painstakingly pasted them onto the foam base.

Another noodle dish with different ingredients. The egg actually looked real until I varnished it.
These ingredients were made using soft clay and varnish. It was tricky to sculpt the prawns when when they kept breaking apart. 

The set up for the Japanese kitchen where the chef prepares the dishes.